Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 700x180

Nina's Carousel at MAXXI in Rome

18 Oct-6 Jan. This short film project by Valerio Berruti centres around a little girl called Nina, a fairground character, and her magical carousel whose traditional horses are replaced with small birds.

The installation comprises 3,000 individual drawings put together sequentially to become frames of a film.

In Berruti's story, Nina is forced to work at the carousel whose little birds represent the freedom that she craves.

For more details see MAXXI website.

General Info

Address Via Guido Reni, 4A, 00196 Roma RM, Italy

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Nina's Carousel at MAXXI in Rome

Via Guido Reni, 4A, 00196 Roma RM, Italy

Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Marymount - International School Rome
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360