Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
Castelli H1 700 x 180

Valery Gergiev conducts at S. Cecilia

2-4 Feb. Top Russian conductor returns to Accademica S. Cecilia.

Valery Gergiev conducts the Orchestra and Chorus of S. Cecilia performing Stravinsky's Rite of Spring and South Korean pianist Seong-Jin Chio, who won the 2015 Chopin competition, playing Rachmaninoff's 3rd piano concerto.

Marymount - International School Rome
Temple Trey Nov to Jan H3 1920x190
Temple Trey Nov to Jan H3 1920x190
Temple Trey Nov to Jan H3 1920x190
FiR 320 x 480 H3
Acorn High  H5  1400 x 360