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Marymount - International School Rome

Italy's museums free for women on 8 March

Italian museums celebrate Giornata internazionale della Donna.

Women will have free entry to Italy's state museums and archaeological sites on Friday 8 March as part of an initiative by the culture ministry to mark International Women's Day.

In addition to offering free entry, Italy's museums will host a series of special events throughout the day dedicated to women, listed on the culture ministry website.

Among the venues free for women on 8 March are the Colosseum, Baths of Caracalla, Pompeii and the Uffizi, with discounted tickets for female visitors at Rome's MAXXI.

The free entry for women in Italy's museums on 8 March is preceded by the free opening to all visitors of Italy's state museums and archaeological sites, on Sunday 3 March.

Photo credit: Pierre Aden / Shutterstock.com.

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