Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Cultural Academies in Flaminio neighborhood

The Japanese Cultural Institute hosts numerous free events that are open to the public and also offers courses in Japanese.
The Swedish Institute is a research centre dedicated to scientific research in art and archaeology.
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The Romanian Academy hosts events and works to promote relations between Romania and Italy.
The Egyptian Academy brings Arabian, Egyptian and African culture and art to Italy.
The Dutch Institute offers courses in every subject area and at every level for students and researchers and serves as a bridge between Dutch universities and Italy.
The Danish Academy is an institution that offers support to Danish artists.
The British School at Rome works to bring scholars, artists, researchers and architects from Britain to create an exchange between Britain and Italy.
The Belgian Academy facilitates scientific and cultural relations between Italy and Belgium by lending help to researchers and artists who are in Italy.
The Austrian Cultural Forum hosts cultural events dedicated to the history and culture of Austria.
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia