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Rome catacombs with newly restored frescoes to reopen to public. The fourth-century Catacombs of Commodilla in the Garbatella area of Rome will soon reopen to the public after their frescoes were restored by the Vatican...
Rome police sealed off an area around Porta Maggiore on Tuesday after part of one of the arches at the monumental Roman gateway became dislodged and fell to the ground. The incident occurred at around 06.15 at the inter...
Marymount - International School Rome
The Romans, through the Latin language and the far-reaching cultural influences of the ancient Roman empire, are arguably founders of Western culture. Their position as members of an ancient Mediterranean society meant...
Natale di Roma is marked with re-enactments of ancient Roman customs from 21-24 April. Rome celebrates its 2,775th birthday on 21 April 2022. The annual event, known as Natale di Roma, is based on the legendary founding...
Rome marks 90 years since an elephant skull was dug up near the Colosseum. An exhibition at Trajan's Markets in Rome recalls how the skull and left tusk of an extinct elephant species were discovered during excavations ...
'Archaeological Box on the Aventine Hill' opens to larger tour groups. The remains of a magnificent Roman villa buried for almost 2,000 years at the foot of Rome's Aventine Hill can be visited on the first and third Fri...
Rome marks Natale di Roma with historical re-enactments. Rome celebrates its 2,775th birthday on 21 April 2022. Known as Natale di Roma, the annual birthday celebration is based on the legendary founding of Rome by R...
Rome's S. Pietro in Vincoli hosts the chains of St Peter as well as Michelangelo's Moses. The church of S. Pietro in Vincoli, known in English as St Peter in Chains, is a minor basilica hidden away in Rome's Monti quart...
A brief survey of the diet in Ancient Rome. "We are what we eat," according to a much-gnawed chestnut. Early ancient Romans might therefore have been categorised as porridge-guzzling barbarians by the Greeks before Gree...
Mussolini never officially recognised Elena Curti as his daughter. Elena Curti, the last 'secret daughter' of Italian Fascist dictator Mussolini, died aged 99 at her home north of Rome on Monday. Her funeral is due t...
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Ancient funerary complex comes to light during Rome street works. Rome archaeologists have unveiled the remains of a 2,000-year old burial complex discovered during street works in the Appio Latino quarter of the city....
Major project result of fundraising efforts by former Rome mayor Ignazio Marino. A project is underway that will change the landscape of Trajan's Forum in the heart of Rome. The Basilica Ulpia, built by the architect...
Underground site to open to public twice a month. Rome's Barberini Mithraeum, a mysterious cavern dating to the third century AD, is to reopen to visitors every second and fourth Saturday of the month, from 13 November....
Service at Commonwealth Cemetery in Rome on 11 November. A Remembrance Day service was held on Thursday morning at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery in the Testaccio area of Rome. The service was attend...
Italian culture ministry evicts Dignitatis Humanae Institute from abbey near Rome. A mediaeval monastery south of Rome, where a right-wing political academy close to Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon h...
Disovery sheds light on the living conditions of Pompeii slaves. A slave's quarters has re-emerged intact during excavations at the suburban villa of Civita Giuliana to the north of Pompeii, reports Italian news agency...
Arco di Giano will open to the public every Saturday. Rome's Arch of Janus, or Arco di Giano, reopens to the public this month for the first time in 28 years. The reopening is thanks to collaboration between the city...
Vikings crossed Atlantic 1,000 years ago, according to new study. The debate about who 'discovered' North America first took a new turn this week when scientists presented what they say is proof that Vikings had settled...
Grape harvest reproduces the wine enjoyed in Pompeii before it was buried in volcanic ash almost 2,000 years ago. The annual vendemmia, or grape harvest, gets underway on 20 October in the ancient Roman ruins of Pompeii...
Rome commemorates deportation of Jews in 1943 as leader of far-right Fratelli d'Italia postpones visit to Jewish Ghetto on eve of election. Rome's Jewish community commemorates today the 78th anniversary of the deportat...
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