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Nazis deported more than 1,000 Jews from Rome to Auschwitz in October 1943. Rome is holding a series of special events to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the deportation of more than 1,000 of the city’s Jews to the...
Vajont Dam disaster occurred 60 years ago today. Italy marks the 60th anniversary of the Vajont Dam disaster which claimed the lives of almost 2,000 people in the Piave valley, in the northern Friuli-Venezia Giulia regi...
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How ancient treasures from the sacred Temple of Diana on the shore of Lake Nemi, near Rome, ended up in Nottingham and Copenhagen. In 1885, when Sir John Savile Lumely, Her Britannic Majesty's ambassador to Italy, began...
Discovery made during excavations near Vatican. Rome archaeologists on Wednesday announced the discovery of what they believe are the ruins of the Theatre of Nero whose location has always been a mystery. The legenda...
Manuscript had been stolen from Venice library. Italy's culture minister has hailed the return of a precious manuscript in which Christopher Columbus, on his return from the Americas, announces the discovery of the New...
80th anniversary of Allied bombing of S. Lorenzo in 1943. Italy's president Sergio Mattarella is to attend a ceremony in Rome on Wednesday to mark the 80th anniversary of the Allied bombing of the city's S. Lorenzo dist...
Tycoon grandfather of kidnapped teen refused at first to pay ransom. John Paul Getty III, the 16-year-old grandson of the American oil tycoon J. Paul Getty, was abducted by criminals in Rome's central Piazza Farnese in...
Visitors can walk through site where Julius Caesar was killed.  Rome will open the archaeological site in Largo di Torre Argentina to the public for the first time on Tuesday following a major development project sponso...
Garbatella hosts Festa della Resistenza from 23-25 April. Rome will stage a festival dedicated to the Italian Resistance movement with a three-day programme of cultural and historical events to be held in the city's Gar...
Italy's partisan association ANPI brands La Russa's words "shameful". Italy's senate speaker Ignazio La Russa was at the centre of a political controversy on Friday after he criticised the partisan attack in Rome that l...
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Smiling H3 - 1920x190
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Works on Museo della Shoah could start this spring. Italy's right-wing government has approved plans to build a Holocaust Museum in Rome, allocating €10 million for the project which was first proposed two decades ago....
Research claims that da Vinci was only half-Italian. Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci was the son of a slave who was trafficked to Italy from her home in the Caucasus, according to new research presented in Florence...
Italy's last remaining survivors of the Holocaust, several of whom are well-known figures. There are believed to be about 10 Holocaust survivors still alive in Italy, according to the Union of Italian Jewish Communities...
Italy remembers the horrors of the Holocaust 78 years after the liberation of Auschwitz. Italy marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday with hundreds of commemorative events on the 78th anniversary of the...
New insights into snacking habits in ancient Rome. A year-long study of the sewerage system under the Colosseum has cast new light on the snacking habits of Roman spectators watching the games in the ancient arena. S...
Italian capital is full of traces of Mussolini 100 after March on Rome. An online map charting the existing monuments, buildings and memorials honouring fascism in Italy was launched on Tuesday by the Istituto Ferruccio...
San Casciano discovery hailed as "most important since Riace Bronzes". Archaeologists in Italy have unearthed 24 ancient bronze statues at the San Casciano dei Bagni thermal bath site in a discovery described as "except...
Remembrance Day service at Commonwealth Cemetery in Rome. A Remembrance Day service will be held on the morning of Friday 11 November at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery in the Testaccio area of Rome....
Ireland remembers Violet Gibson with plaque outside her childhood home in Dublin. A plaque dedicated to Violet Gibson, the Irishwoman who tried to assassinate Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini almost a century ago...
Discovery on the Via Tiburtina. Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a Roman bridge from the Imperial era during an excavation alongside the Via Tiburtina in north-east Rome. The discovery came to light durin...
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