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Taco 1920 x 116
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Mausoleum of Augustus Museum to open in 2026. Luxury jeweller Bulgari will finance the construction of the Mausoleum of Augustus Museum with funding of €700,000, Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri said on Tuesday. The mayo...
Rome remembers victims of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre. Italy will mark the 80th anniversary of the Fosse Ardeatine massacre with a series of official commemorative ceremonies in the capital this weekend. On 24 March...
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Rome's Largo Argentina site to host historical re-enactment. Rome will mark the Ides of March and the assassination of Julius Caesar on Friday 15 March 2024 with an historical re-enactment of that fateful day in 44 BC....
Santa Francesca Romana monastery opens once a year. The feast day of the patron saint of motorists, Santa Francesca Romana (1384-1444), is marked in Rome each year on 9 March. The Roman saint, who is buried in the cr...
Discovery sheds new light on the exact location of the Porticus Minucia. A newly-discovered part of an ancient Roman site where free grain was distributed to Romans until the third century AD has been unveiled in the ba...
Restoration project changes the landscape of Trajan's Forum. A major restoration project to reconstruct part of the Basilica Ulpia, once the largest basilica in Rome, is currently nearing completion in Trajan's Forum....
An insight on the Roman archaeological Ruins of Otricoli In the heart of Italy, nestled among the verdant hills of Umbria, lie the ancient ruins of Otricoli, a site that whispers the tales of a bygone era. Once a flouri...
A brief history of Rome's talking statues. The tradition of Rome's talking statues dates back to the 16th century when the city's resident began to show their discontent against the oppressive power of the papacy with a...
Italy marks Giorno del Ricordo on 10 February. Italy on Saturday will commemorate the victims of the Foibe mass killings in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Istria and Dalmatia by Tito's partisans, both during and after world war...
Museo del Ricordo to remember Foibe victims. The Italian cabinet of premier Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday approved a bill to establish a new museum in Rome to commemorate the victims of the Foibe massacres. The creatio...
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Italy remembers the horrors of the Holocaust 79 years after the liberation of Auschwitz. Italy marks Holocaust Remembrance Day on Saturday with a series of commemorative events on the 79th anniversary of the liberation...
Anzio pays tribute to British war veteran Harry Shindler with exhibition. Italy marked the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings at Anzio and Nettuno during world war two with commemorations on Monday in the neighbour...
Parco Archeologico del Celio and Forma Urbis Museum open to public from 12 January. Rome has opened a new museum and archaeological park in a forgotten corner of one of the capital's famed seven hills - the Caelian - ag...
Rome installs new stolpersteine memorials. Rome has installed new brass cobblestone memorials to Holocaust victims at 21 locations across the capital, ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January. D...
Bumper year for bringing Ancient Rome back to life. Ancient Rome was a hot topic in 2023, exploding as a trend on TikTok and making headlines around the world frequently throughout the year. Here is a round-up of som...
Discovery includes exceptional mosaic from second century BC. A newly discovered ancient Roman domus, unearthed between Rome's Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum, was unveiled by the Italian culture ministry on Tuesday....
Travel back in time to see Rome's landmarks as they looked in the fourth century. Flyover Zone, a pioneer in the emerging field of virtual tourism, has released a remastered version of its virtual aerial tour of ancient...
Italy's Unknown Solider or Milite Ignoto was buried in Rome on 4 November 1921. In the aftermath of world war one, many nations determined that they would bury an anonymous corpse to symbolise all those who died on the...
Farnese Nymphaeum has been closed for decades. The Ninfeo della Pioggia or Rain Nymphaeum on Rome's Palatine Hill will reopen to the public on 1 November following extensive restoration works by the Colosseum Archaeolog...
Nazi raid in Rome's Jewish district took place 80 years ago today.Rome on Monday commemorates the 80th anniversary of the deportation of more than 1,000 of the city’s Jews to the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz.  ...
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