Getting rid of the sofa?
From 15 November it will be possible to have bulky rubbish collected from your home even if it is on the 6th floor. AMA, the company that collects Rome's rubbish, is introducing a new service whereby old sofas, washing machines, wardrobes etc will be collected from your door. The price of the service will be calculated on the volume of the objects to be collected and what floor it is to be collected from. For information telephone the toll-free number 800-867035.
AMA has also begun distribution of a 68-page guide to its many services. It is responsible for the Roman cemeteries and the crematorium as well as having companies that restore and clean monuments and facades, that offer pest control and clear blocked drains. The guide is being sent out as an insert of the "Pagine Gialle" or Yellow Pages, the commercial directories that are delivered annually along with the city telephone directory. The distribution will be complete by the end of December.
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