Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Italy set for a sunny New Year

Warm-weather front to bring sharp rise in temperatures to Italy.

After a rainy Christmas, Italy is set for a sunny New Year thanks to the arrival of an African anticyclone of subtropical origin, according to weather forecasters.

The warm-weather front will bring "almost spring temperatures" to central and southern Italy, reports state broadcaster RAI, with highs of 20-21 degrees Celsius expected in Sicily and Sardinia, rising to about 17 degrees in Rome.

The warmer weather is to arrive on Wednesday, in time for New Year's Eve on Friday, and is expected to last until the early days of 2022.

However the sunshine and warmth will not affect northern Italy, due to fog and overcast skies, where temperatures will not exceed 7-9 degrees.

Cover image: Piazza Navona, Rome. Photo credit: Kirk Fisher /

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