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Rome marks 79th Festa della Liberazione in 2024. Italy on 25 April celebrates the Festa della Liberazione which marks the country’s liberation from German occupation and fascist rule at the end of world war two. A pu...
ANZAC Day commemoration at Rome War Cemetery. The embassies of Australia and New Zealand in Rome will mark ANZAC Day 2024 on Thursday 25 April at 09.00. The service will take place at the Rome War Cemetery on Via Nic...
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Alfa Romeo renames new Milano model Junior' after Made in Italy clash with Italian government. Italian luxury car maker Alfa Romeo has decided to change the name of its new 'Milano' SUV model to 'Junior' after coming un...
National day to promote excellence of Italian creativity.Italy's trade ministry on Monday launched the first Made in Italy Day, with a nationwide programme of events in celebration of Italian creativity, quality and inno...
Concert-goer dies in hospital in Florence. A police investigation is underway after a 47-year-old man died following an altercation at the end of a concert by Italian rock band Subsonica in Florence on Thursday night....
Italian trade unions to stage protest on Thursday over workplace deaths. At least three people were killed and four are missing following an explosion at a hydroelectric power plant on Lake Suviana in northern Italy on...
L'Aquila holds torchlight procession to mark 15 years since earthquake. Italy marks the 15th anniversary of the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck the city of L'Aquila in the early hours of 6 April 2009, killing 309 p...
Nobody injured in sinkhole incident. Two parked cars were swallowed by a large sinkhole - 10 metres deep and 10 metres wide - which opened up in the Quadraro district of Rome in the early hours of Thursday. Police an...
Bomb squad assisted by robotic dog Saetta. Italy's culture ministry in the historic centre of Rome was evacuated on Tuesday morning following a bomb alert.   Around 400 people were evacuated from the building, just of...
Festa dell'Unità d'Italia is a national day of celebration in Italy. Italy marks the occasion on 17 March each year with the Festa dell'Unità d'Italia, a national day of celebration to commemorate the birth of the count...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Fire broke out in apartment in outskirts of Bologna. Italian authorities have opened an investigation into a fire that caused the deaths of three children and their mother in the northern city of Bologna on Thursday nig...
Genoa launches three new flavours of ice cream dedicated to women. As Italy prepares to mark International Women's Day on Friday, a controversy has broken out over an initiative in Genoa offering women three new flavour...
A roundup of events in Italy to mark Giornata Internazionale della Donna.International Women's Day is marked with events across Italy on Friday 8 March 2024 to commemorate the cultural, political and socio-economic achie...
Eustachio baby bonus sparks debate in Matera. A citizens association in the southern Italian city of Matera is offering a financial reward to parents who name their babies after the city's patron saint Eustachio. The...
Rescuers find body of last missing person. The final death toll from last Friday's collapse of a supermarket building site in Florence rose to five after rescuers located the body of the last missing construction worker...
IT-Alert system will be used to warn public of potential emergencies or disaster situations. Italy's new IT-Alert system is designed to alert the public in the event of "a major emergency or an imminent or ongoing catas...
Vittorio Emanuele was only son of King Umberto II. Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, son of Italy's last king, Umberto II, died in Geneva on Saturday aged 86. "At 7.05 this morning, 3 February 2024, His Royal Highne...
Authorities order pro-Palestinian rallies in Rome and Milan to be rescheduled. Police chiefs have banned pro-Palestinian rallies from taking place in Rome and Milan on Saturday 27 January, Holocaust Remembrance Day, fol...
Walter Villadei is pilot of Axiom Mission 3. Italy's prime minister Giorgia Meloni on Thursday spoke to Rome astronaut Walter Villadei via live video link between the Colosseum and the International Space Station. Vi...
Costa Concordia ran aground off west coast of Italy on 13 January 2012. Italy marks 12 years since the Costa Concordia cruise ship ran aground off the Tuscan island of Giglio, resulting in 32 deaths, in one of the worst...
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