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Tiber Tour: Follow the river Tevere to Rome

Follow the Tiber in canoes and kayaks as well as by bicycle and on foot.

The Tiber is the focus of an annual sporting and recreational event that follows the course of the river from Umbria to Rome in various stages this spring.

The Discesa Internazionale del Tevere takes place over seven days between 25 April and 1 May, starting at Città di Castello in Umbria before making its way towards the Eternal City.

On 29 April the tour of kayaks and canoes follows the river Tiber at Settebagni, on 30 April the Aniene river from Montesacro, and on 1 May from Ponte Milvio to the heart of the city.

Then, on 25 May, the tour will travel from Ostia Antica to the harbour at Fiumicino.

For more information about the initiative, which has the patronage of the Lazio Region and the city of Rome, see the TiberTour website.

Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Marymount - International School Rome