Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

An American In Rome: Paintings and Stories from the City Streets

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Paintings done on the streets of Rome over the last year and a half by classically trained painter Kelly Medford. The paintings depict known as well as forgotten places all around the city. All were painted on location and have stories written about them by the artist. Join us for the opening reception and meet the artist at Villa de Sanctis on Saturday, October 27th from 4-7 pm

General Info

Price info Free
Address Casa della Cultura, Villa de Sanctis, Via dei Gordiani, 5

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An American In Rome: Paintings and Stories from the City Streets

Casa della Cultura, Villa de Sanctis, Via dei Gordiani, 5

Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Smiling tech H3 - 320x480
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360