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Rome second worst city for hours lost in traffic

Rome drivers waste 254 hours a year stuck in traffic.

Rome is the world's second worst city in relation to the number of hours its drivers spend stuck in traffic, according to an annual report produced by traffic analytics company INRIX.

The 2019 Global Card Scorecard revealed that Roman motorists lose an average of 254 hours in traffic a year, second only to Bogotà with 272.

After Bogotà and Rome, the city with the biggest traffic jams was Dublin with 246 hours stuck in traffic, followed by Paris and Rostov-on-Don (Russia) with 237 hours, London (227) and Milan (226 hours).

The scorecard analyses congestion and mobility trends in more than 200 cities across 38 countries.


Castelli H2 - 724 x 450
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia