Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Acorn P H1 - 700 x 180

Rome exhibition by Middle Eastern visual artists

ABRAHAM: Out of One, Many at St Paul's Within-the-Walls in Rome.

3 May-9 June. Three celebrated Middle Eastern contemporary artists – Sinan Hussein, Qais Al Sindy, Shai Azoulay – from Muslim, Christian and Jewish faith traditions, stage an exhibition with an important message at St Paul's Within-the-Walls, the American Episcopal Church in Rome, from 3 May until 9 June.

A special opening programme and reception, open to the public, will be held on 3 May at 17.30.

ABRAHAM: Out of One, Many is the artists' response to today’s climate of increasing prejudice and stereotyping, which is resulting in a new type of “tribalism,” and a recent rise of antisemitism and anti-Muslim sentiment in the West.

The exhibition focuses on what Muslims, Christians and Jews have in common because of their shared ancestor Abraham, a spiritual figure of distinct significance within the three primary monotheistic faith traditions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. 

In these three faith traditions, whose followers are referred to a “children of Abraham,” Abraham is seen as a model of hospitality – of welcoming the “stranger” and embracing the “other.” The exhibition attempts to artistically answer the question, “What can Abraham can teach us today about freeing our world from sectarian strife?”

Each artist has created art that highlights what we can all learn from Abraham’s example about living together more harmoniously.

The exhibition will tour for 20 months through Europe and the USA, beginning in Rome, before travelling to Paris, Edinburgh and the US.

For more details about the exhibition and the three artists, see website.

General Info

Address Via Napoli, 58, 00184 Roma RM, Italia

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Rome exhibition by Middle Eastern visual artists

Via Napoli, 58, 00184 Roma RM, Italia

Smiling H2 - 724x450
Temple Pre 1920x190
Temple Pre 1920x190
Temple Pre 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
6 Nations 25