Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
RIS H1 700x180

Kraftwerk concerts in Rome's Ostia Antica

Two outdoor summer concerts by Kraftwerk at ancient Roman theatre.

27-28 June. Kraftwerk fans in Rome can look forward to two concerts by the pioneering German electronic musicians this summer.

The innovative German group will perform two nights in a row - 27 and 28 June - for Rock in Roma in the ancient setting of the Teatro Romano at the archaeological park of Ostia Antica.

Rock in Roma returns to Teatro Romano in Ostia Antica in 2019
Since forming in Düsseldorf in 1970, Kraftwerk has had a profound influence on a new generation of musicians, particularly those working in electronic music.

The band's signature sound combines repetitive rhythms with catchy melodies and simplified lyrics.

For tickets see TicketOne website.

General Info

Address teatro romano, Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Viale dei Romagnoli, Roma, RM, Italia

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Kraftwerk concerts in Rome's Ostia Antica

teatro romano, Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, Viale dei Romagnoli, Roma, RM, Italia

Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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