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Italians are among the unhappiest people in the world, according to a survey of 40 countries conducted by the research institute Censis, with 26.4 percent dissatisfied with the quality of their lives compared with a glob...
A bus full of lawyers will be making its way around the outskirts of Rome over the next month as part of an experiment to provide legal assistance on an itinerant basis. The lawyers of the Foro di Roma will give advice f...
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Richard Alford, the director of the British Council in Italy, has been made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in the Queens Birthday Honours List. Alford has been director of the British Council...
The dream of Vittorio Bocca is to make artichokes fly. Bocca is the chairman of CAR, short for Centro Agroalimentare di Roma, the enormous, brand-new wholesale fruit, vegetable and fish market that opened last November i...
The spotlight on Italian politics is widening to take in the whole of the European stage. Next month, Italy picks up the rotating European Union presidency, so all of a sudden what goes on here is not just of national in...
This year Italian golf celebrates the venerable old age of 100. The sport was officially launched in Italy when Romes Acquasanta Golf Club situated between the ancient and new Appian ways and a stones throw from the tom...
Air passengers in Italy have a potentially difficult month ahead with a series of planned strikes within the sector. According to the transport ministry, on 24 June air traffic controllers will be out on strike for four...
The Festa dell'Unit, the summer gathering of the Democratici di Sinistra (DS), kicks off on 19 June at the former general market on Via Ostiense. Following the provincial elections in May that saw the DS become Rome's bi...
Fiesta!, the Festival Internazionale di Musica e Cultura Latinoamericano, begins 19 June at the Capannelle racecourse on Via Appia Nuova with a performance by the African reggae star Alpha Blondie. Other artists taking p...
On 20 June the international community will turn its attention to the 20 million men, women and children worldwide who are currently under the protection of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees having been for...
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Britain has a new ambassador to the Quirinale, Sir Ivor Roberts. He replaces Sir John Shepherd, who has retired after three years in Italy. Sir Ivor has been in the British diplomatic service since 1968, starting his ca...
Hollywood superstar George Clooney is due in Rome on 24 June to donate ten "superscooters" to the Running Heart Foundation. The scooters are designed to get emergency equipment to heart attack victims quickly through tra...
The 40th anniversary of the acquisition of Villa Doria Pamphili by the city council will be marked by a four-day festival in what is now the largest public park in Rome. The celebrations will include music, dance and the...
The beautiful Greek bronze of a dancing satyr, fished from the sea off Sicily in 1998, is on show at the Capitoline Museums until 7 July after a successful spell at Palazzo Montecitorio. Dated 3rd-2nd century BC, it took...
If you receive an e-mail or an SMS message to your cell phone from an unknown source instructing you to dial a number beginning with the digits 899, beware: the call could cost you as much as 10 and maybe more. Easily c...
The 50th edition of the international arts exhibition opens in Venice on 15 June with the theme "Dreams and conflicts the viewer's dictatorship" directed by Francesco Bonami. This year the biennale is bigger than ever,...
The busy district of S. Lorenzo is now closed to private traffic (excluding residents, motorbikes and scooters) Wed-Sun 20.00-03.00. The measure, which affects the area enclosed by, but excluding, Viale Scalo di S. Loren...
Rome is Italy's ice cream capital, according to a recent report in "Il Messaggero" newspaper, with an average 15 kilograms consumed per person last year. Those cones and cups added up to an estimated 650 million for the...
Lyric opera will be performed at the baths of Caracalla this summer for the first time in ten years. George Bizet's "Carmen" will echo around the Roman ruins on eight dates beginning 24 July, directed by Michel Plasson a...
The fifth annual wine Oscars, organised by the AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier), will be held on Saturday 7 June at the Cavalieri Hilton, Via A. Cadlolo 101, at 16.00. The prize-giving ceremony will be followed by a...
Two new post offices have opened in the suburbs of Rome, one in Nuovo Salario (Piazza F. de Lucia) and the other in Tor Bellamonaca (Via Cambellotti). The new outlets are equipped for receiving disabled customers, have c...
Students at the Universit La Sapienza will soon be able keep up with classes even when too exhausted to make it out of bed, by logging onto a live broadcast of their lectures. The Dipartimento di Scienze della Communicaz...
The city council is setting up a "discrimination observatory" in collaboration with the Istituto Psicoanalitico per la Ricerche Sociali to monitor how its services apply to foreign residents. The office will also promote...
Meet Giuseppe Mannino, artist and lawyer, politician and poet, and president of Rome city council. He occupies one of the top offices literally and figuratively of the Campidoglio, and as I ask my way there late one af...
The interval came and two thirsty concert-goers in the huge balcony of the biggest of the three so-called beetles that make up Romes new music auditorium wanted a drink. To their astonishment, a uniformed attendant told...
After an afternoon of serious shopping or sightseeing, it would be easy to slide onto one of the modern bar stools at the sleek counter of LOlfattorio on Via di Ripetta and expect to order an aperitif. However, this is n...
Reinstated as a national holiday by President of the Republic Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in 2001, this is the day on which Italians celebrate the foundation of the republic on 2 June 1946. In Rome the traditional military para...
Books and CDs will soon be part of Romes nightlife, thanks to a city council initiative allowing book and music shops to stay open until the early hours of the morning. In the first phase of a project which could be expa...
Italians may have a reputation for erratic driving, but apparently its not all their fault: one third of Italys road accidents is due to infrastructure problems including badly marked lanes, obstacles in the road, unclea...
New nocturnal traffic restrictions in the S. Lorenzo area, between Termini station and the Verano cemetery, will come into force on 4 June. The district, which is favoured by Romes student population and has a heavy conc...
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