Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Some are now indignantly calling it linguistic imperialism. Circle with a pen in an Italian newspaper the films with English titles being screened in Rome. The page will burst into a violent rash. In one week this month,...
The fierce summer heatwave has taken its toll in Italy, with 4,175 more deaths among the over-65s this year during the month 16 July - 15 August than there were during the same period in 2002, a rise of 14 per cent. The...
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A four-hour public transport strike to be held from 10.00 on Fri 12 Sept will affect buses, trams and metros in Rome and coaches that connect the city with surrounding areas. Vehicles that have already begun their journe...
A memorial stone inscribed with the names of some 600 victims of the Mafia since the end of the second world war will be placed at the entrance of Villa Osio in Viale di Porta Ardeatina, Romes mayor Walter Veltroni has a...
Proof might be at hand that the ancient Roman emperor Caligula was every bit as megalomaniacal as anecdotes about his reign suggest. Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a vast palace which they believe was buil...
Rome's city council has launched another campaign to free the city's streets and parks of dog excrement and litter. The recently created office for urban decorum is working with the city's environmental agency, AMA, to s...
If you're in desperate need of a cultural fix after a long summer at the beach, try visiting one of Rome's many foreign academies, which offer a wide range of concerts, conferences and exhibitions that attract artists an...
A plan to build floating homes for artists and students along the banks of the river Tiber has been given an 85 per cent approval rating in an online referendum launched by the city council. The project envisages a serie...
The number of road deaths in Italy this summer is down by 35 per cent compared to the same period last year, according to figures published by the interior ministry. Between 30 June and 28 August there were 698 fatal acc...
The Go.Card scheme, which enables 18 to 30-year-olds to claim discounts at certain cinemas, theatres, museums and shops in Rome, has been extended to young people who live outside the city and now costs 6. Launched on an...
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Top-flight football has returned to Italy on schedule, but yet again the start of the season was marred by controversy, with Serie B matches delayed following a row over the expansion of the division and television right...
The summer months of July and August have seen a baby boom in Milan. Births were up 10 per cent in these two summer months over the same period last year. There is a similar trend in Rome. So far this year births in priv...
Parmigiano, Gorgonzola, Pecorino, Parma and S. Daniele hams, Chianti, Grappa and Marsala are the most famous of the 14 Italian products that will be put to the World Trade Organization for special protection status at it...
Dear Sir, On realising over the last few weeks that my complaints about Rome and the Vatican City have been falling upon deaf ears, I now address my various shortcomings to yourself. I trust I shall receive a more speed...
In a stark wasteland overlooking the Tiber, dotted with the skeletons of abandoned factories and water towers, a new so-called city has emerged, claimed by its admirers to have no equivalent on earth. Only two years ag...
Mystery writers are often a mystery themselves, and few more so than Donna Leon. Until her latest book Uniform Justice appeared, her author profile was exceedingly discreet: she lives near Venice and teaches at a univers...
Whoever said modern architecture has no place in Rome? Renzo Pianos recently finished music auditorium is just one of a number of major projects in the city to rival work in London, Berlin or New York. Current undertakin...
The famous Villa dei Papiri at Herculanum has finally opened, more than 200 years after it was first located by archaeologists. The luxurious patrician villa, which was built on a series of terraces overlooking the sea,...
The installation of an observation balloon at Villa Borghese means that it is now possible to see Rome as it has never been seen before. The Aerostato Arophile 5500, anchored in the Galoppatoio and scheduled to begin ope...
Rome has one of the highest proportions of private vehicles in Europe at 893 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, according to the city council, with the result that its streets are often brought to a standstill and the level of...
Eurozone banks now have to charge the same fee for international money transfers of up to 12,500 within the zone as they do for domestic transfers. The new regulation came into effect on 1 July after more than a decade...
Even though Lazio's regional government set aside 1.5 million euros for a campaign urging blood donation during the summer the region is still cronically short of blood. Recently people have been queuing up outside Rome'...
The Bottega del Mondo in Axa lives up to its name, with products from all over the world. No different from the supermarket around the corner, you might say. But it is. The botteghe are Fairtrade shops. If you havent he...
With the re-opening of factories and offices after the long summer holidays Italians face the prospect of electricity rationing in September. Italy has been feeling the shortage of electricity since the end of June when...
As sure as tiger mosquitoes, stampeding tour groups and migrating swallows, the arrival of summer in Italy is heralded by the publication of Touring Club Italias guide to the countrys best beaches. The Guida Blu is compi...
Admit it. How long did you spend deliberating which bank to trust with your hard-earned euros? Did you compare interest rates, fixed charges, the price of a standing order? Or did you go for the bank closest to your hous...
Have you ever wondered who buys those glittery miniature colosseums, spoons with the popes likeness and bronze-like gladiator figurines? And more importantly, why? Whether you call them knick-knacks, keepsakes or kitsch,...
Ascroll of cloth rolled down, with a snatch of script on it. The laid-back, grinning audience of 300 read out with a roar: We dont want war! The superpower (Rome) went to war anyway. The reason was clear: Julius Caesar...
Although I know this will win me no popularity, I must confess that there were certain aspects of the June heat wave that pleased me. On our farm in Canale-Monterano near Lake Bracciano northwest of Rome the temperature...
Staying in Rome for the summer? If you want to beat the heat and learn a bit about Roman and Etruscan history at the same time, the nearby beaches of S. Marinella and S. Severa are good places to start. Both within an ho...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia