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Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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A break-in took place at the headquarters of Rome's international gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual contact group, the Circolo di Cultura Omosessuale Mario Mieli, on the night of Sat 8 November. All of the organisat...
The Acquario in Piazza M. Fanti in Rome's Esquilino district has a new vocation: from 13 November it will be the official headquarters of Rome's Order of Architects, opening with an exhibition dedicated to the winners of...
Ambrit 724 x 450
Three-quarters of Italians suffer from indecisiveness, according to a survey conducted by Riza Psicosomatica and reported by La Repubblica newspaper, with graduate males aged 26-35 who live in the centre-north of the cou...
The dismantling of the Axum obelisk in Piazza Porta Capena outside the headquarters of the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization has finally begun with the removal of the top section of the granite stele, whi...
Some of the harshest critics of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza are Israelis themselves whose voices are seldom heard outside Israel. Two film-makers, Joseph Rochlitz and Benny Brunner, travelled through th...
The Nuovo Mercato Esquilino (the market formerly located in Piazza Vittorio) is set to become even bigger. The second wing of the former barracks on Via Filippo Turati, which now houses the market, is scheduled to be ina...
A swearword or vulgar expression is pronounced on Italian television every 21 minutes, says a report by Meta Research, a company that monitors television in Italy. The research association interviewed 130 experts includi...
My mother is Italian and my father is English, and they are still very much together. Recently I have started to think that this is because they are both atypical: my father is not particularly Euro-sceptical or fond of...
From Dylan Dog investigating the paranormal underbelly of London life to the king of terror Diabolik and the erotic works of Manara, Italian comics, or fumetti, are almost as much a part of the countrys culture as Federi...
Immediately before world war one, a group of young Italian men, quite macho and from provincial families nostalgic for past glories, formed a circle of friends in Ferrara. They had no special theories, wrote no manifesto...
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JCU 1920x190
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The Pontifical Irish College celebrates its 375th anniversary on 6 November. The college is one of a handful of survivors of what in the 16th and 17th centuries was a thriving network of Irish seminaries across Europe, t...
A Remembrance Day ceremony to commemorate the Commonwealth war dead will be held in Rome at the Via Zabaglia military cemetery on Tuesday 11 November. Participants are asked to arrive punctually by 10.45 in order to obse...
As early November approaches, an annual rite here in Italy is upon us. Families will begin flocking to their local cemeteries, autumnal flowers in hand, to pay respects to the departed and tidy up the family plot. While...
The Pontifical Irish College in Via dei SS. Quattro Coronati, or Colaiste na nGaedeal, as its green gates proclaim, is celebrating its 375th anniversary on 6 November. As with many birthdays for those of advanced years,...
Sales of residential housing in the province of Rome increased by 24.55 per cent in 2002 compared with the previous year, and in the city of Rome they increased by 32.1 per cent, according to a report just published on R...
The Keat-Shelley Memorial Association opened its centenary celebrations with plays, poetry readings and a gala dinner in Rome on 29 Oct. The association was formed in 1903 to buy the house at the foot of the Spanish Step...
Romans are learning to recycle their rubbish. 14 percent of all waste in Rome is now recycled, up from 5.6 percent in 2001. So far this year 60,000 tonnes less waste have been sent to landfills and incinerators than last...
There will be 2.5 million legally-registered immigrants in Italy by the end of this year, according to the annual report by the Catholic relief agency Caritas. By the end of this year the percentage of immigrants to po...
The Italian economy is less competitive on world markets than last year, according to the annual Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum. This year Italy is placed 41 on a list of 102 countries, eight p...
A few years ago Italians hardly knew what Halloween was, but now the spooky feast of “all hallows eve” on 31 Oct is becoming increasingly popular among Romans. Many pubs host themed parties on the night, and...
How environmental are we? The town Cremona in the Lombardy region in north-eastern Italy has been billed the most ecological city in the country according to the environmental association Legambiente, which has been mon...
The next phase of redevelopment at Rome's Termini's station is set to begin early next year. The works will include the construction of two car parks, one over the rail-tracks and another on nearby Via Giolitti, and the...
A general strike has been called for 24 October by all three major unions, with a four-hour walk-out planned by workers to protest the pensions reforms announced by prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. Buses, trams, metros...
Mad dog mania seems to be going around, with reports about canine aggression constantly in the headlines. Victims of these attacks are running to hospitals, while most benevolent dog-owners are still puzzled about new la...
They used to refer to them as the seven hills of Rome. Now there are eight. That is what they call it: lottavo colle or the eighth hill. Ascent and descent take 15-20 stupendous minutes, and it is best scaled in the morn...
What follows are details of what you need to do to obtain a permesso di soggiorno, or permit to stay in Italy. However, you will not necessarily be asked for all of the documents listed, and you may be asked for somethin...
Violinist Maxim Vengerov will play his Stradivarius in Rome after a seven-year absence at a concert on 24 October to raise funds for the Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano (FAI), the organisation which rescues threatened prop...
A project to make Italy's banks more user-friendly was launched in October with a service that tells clients where to find their closest working automatic teller machine (ATM) by telephone (800 002266) or internet (www.p...
The number of weddings in Italy is on the wane but the cost of that special day continues to rise, according to data from the "Milano sposi" fair held earlier in October. In 1960, 400,000 weddings were held compared with...
Rome residents got a big surprise this spring, when the scaffolding concealing the front of the Keats-Shelley House in Piazza di Spagna finally came down after a lengthy restoration project involving the faade and roof o...
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