Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Castelli H1 700 x 180
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A public river boat service has finally set sail on the Tiber after lengthy delays. However, the project, run by the Italian-French Ponte S. Angelo company, is still in an experimental phase and there are currently only...
Four of Rome's metro stations are to be renamed to give tourists using the underground system a better idea of where to get off for certain attractions. Barberini and Flaminio stations on line A are to become known as Ba...
Castelli H2 - 724 x 450
In the days before Lonely Planets and Rough Guides became ubiquitous, many visitors to the Eternal City relied on a rather different kind of handbook: Georgina Masson's much-loved "Companion Guide to Rome". With no lists...
A new kind of literary event hit the Roman scene on the first Sunday in April. At a cafe in Trastevere packed with Italians and foreigners, an Australian, an American and an Italian writer read from their work, accompani...
In Umbria spring is particularly welcome. Spring and autumn are our high times. Soil here is thin and mean, and it takes loads of compost and organic additives to make a garden grow. Many plants will not survive in the c...
These three very rich offerings in three prestigious museum sites were put together to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the installation of the French Academy at Villa Medici, and to highlight the role of Rome as the a...
The business of being a Roman centurion, earning money by posing for photographs with tourists outside major sites such as the Colosseum, is set to become more professional with plans for new rules on costume, behaviour...
Almost as soon as prime minister Silvio Berlusconis government hoisted Italys green, white and red tricolore to the mast of war in mid-winter, the multi-coloured rainbow flag of peace began to flutter over the streets of...
Anyone who feels they have been the victim of excessive charges, poor service or inefficiency can take their gripe to a new consumer complaints office in the city or telephone the complaints line. Late buses, stiff rest...
Monte Amiata, the highest mountain in southern Tuscany at 1,738 metres, is a tame, almost extinct volcano. There is sufficient activity to run a geothermal power station at Piancastagnaio and to heat the baths of Bagno V...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Castelli H3 - 320 x 480
Castelli H3 - 320 x 480
The central post office in Piazza S. Silvestro closed mid-March for major modernisation work which is expected to take at least 18 months to complete. Customers who hold savings or Bancoposta accounts will be served in...
I just wanted to do something useful, says Evelyne De Crescenzo, explaining her decision to sponsor eight-year-old Fiorella in Peru. Fiorella lives with her parents and four brothers and sisters but her family cannot aff...
Matera in the southern Italian region of Basilicata, once made famous by Carlo Levis book "Christ stopped at Eboli", is fast becoming a celebrity-city thanks to Mel Gibsons film "The Passion". Fans of "The Passion" are n...
The coastal road outside Reggio Calabria, along the Ionian Sea, boasts two imposing sights: a grandstand view over the Mediterranean and a long stretch of lush coastal orchards, primarily between Villa S. Giovanni and Ro...
The war in Iraq might be a long way away geographically but the political dangers are close to home. Most Italians are against using war to disarm Saddam Hussein and for more than two months a vast majority of them has t...
Some 30 foreign yachters are now wintering in the quiet waters of a new harbour near the mouth of the Tiber, the first custom-made maritime haven in Rome since ancient times. Crowds of curious visitors most of them fr...
The beauties are tall and trim. They are firm with only a hint of padding in just the right places, their colouring translucent. They stand erect, row after row of them, waiting patiently to be judged on their magnificen...
When the commander of the Swiss Guard, his ex-model wife and a young officer in the corps were discovered shot dead at the Vatican in May 1998, it was the kind of story a journalist dreams about a mystery involving sex,...
At this time of year, many of us dream of summer, which is a good reason to go in search of some Mediterranean sunshine. No need to go far a quick trip to your local enoteca will do the trick. Here you can find concentr...
A busy and efficient restaurant in Via Gioberti, barely 20 paces from Termini station, enshrines a rarity. In the Europe of today, with the accent on labour mobility, he should not be rare at all, but in conservative Rom...
Bookshops Libreria per Ragazzi Mel Giannino Stoppani Piazza dei SS. Apostoli 59/a - 65, tel. 0669941045. A spacious, well-designed and well-stocked bookshop entirely dedicated to children and teenagers. Also CDs and...
Atac, the company which runs Romes bus and tram services, has taken an unexpected turn with the launch of a website selling useful and unusual objects, ranging from an office golf set to a donkey that dispenses cigarette...
The gulls that circle the Vittoriana at night are perhaps the most eye-catching of Rome’s avian inhabitants, but there are a surprising number of others; new figures released by the council reveal some 110 species...
In which country do criminal offences far outnumber residents? The unexpected answer is the Vatican, where annual figures made public for the first time paint the tiny pontifical state as a veritable hotbed of crime. T...
The city council is launching another campaign to clean up Rome and crack down on residents who don't respect the capital. From June a task force of 300 workers will patrol the streets, and half of them will have the pow...
Chocoholics may be dismayed to learn that Eurochocolate, the gluttonous festival scheduled for Rome 1-9 March, has been clouded by controversy. Protests from the no-global forum have led to the exclusion from the festiv...
Lee Miller was first a Vogue model, then a Vogue photographer, who lived with Man Ray at the height of the 1930s in Paris. She learnt art photography from him, but later became a tough photo-reporter. She was married to...
Its not quite a direct line to God, but mobile phone users can now receive the thoughts of Pope John Paul II each day in the form of a text message. The Holy Father spreads the word to subscribers in the form of an SMS (...
The intangible realms of souls and cyberspace have been brought together with the creation of an on-line cemetery, or city of remembrance. Launched by the municipal agency for the environment (AMA) last November, the sch...
Starting at the bottom Olio di sansa e di oliva is the lowest grade oil. The sansa says it all. It is the dregs of the olive oil industry – the dry residue that is dumped in a smelly, fermenting heap outside the o...
Castelli H5 - 1400 x 360