Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Taco 700 x 180

Commonwealth Club Cricket Cup: Rome Ashes

23 Sept. Commonwealth embassies in Rome will battle it out for the Rome Ashes on Saturday 23 Sept. Teams representing the Australian, British and Indian embassies will challenge the Commonwealth Club of Rome team at the Capannelle Cricket Ground.
Supported by the Italian Cricket Federation, the event comprises a half-day friendly format - 6 players / 5 overs per side. The action starts at 13.00 and is followed with an award ceremony and aperitivi at 18.00. All welcome. For details see Commonwealth Club of Rome website23.

Ambrit 724 x 450
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AUR 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
Smiling Tech - 1400x360