Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Taco 700 x 180

Also Sprach Zarathistra at S. Cecilia

2-4 March. Inspired by Nietzsche's work of the same name this tone poem by Richard Strauss was composed in 1896 and performed for the first time the same year in Frankfurt, conducted by the composer. It is best known as the theme music for Kubrick's 2001: Space Odyssey.

The programme also includes music by Ligeti (Lontano used in Kubrick's film Shining) and Saint-Saens. The S. Cecilia orchestra and chorus is conducted by Andrés Orozco-Estrada. Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30,

General Info

Address Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30

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Also Sprach Zarathistra at S. Cecilia

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30

Taco 724 x 450
JCU 1920x190
JCU 1920x190
JCU 1920x190
JCU 320x480
Ambrit 1400 x 360