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Sunday 27 February. More than 7,000 athletes run the 21 km Roma-Ostia Marathon. Of the 7,400 people taking part in the race, 5,634 complete the course. Following the deaths of nine young people in road accidents when t...
Take a good look at your Rome bus ticket as it may give you a discount. The companies that run the Rome city public transport system are offering promotions to encourage the public to leave their cars at home. The most r...
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The body of Nicola Calipari, the Italian police office who was shot dead by United States security forces in Baghdad on Friday 4 March, will lie in state at Italys Vittorio Emanuele monument in the centre of Rome until h...
International Womens Day on 8 March is dedicated by the United Nations to equal rights for women. In Italy, it is known as "Festa della Donna", with men traditionally giving mimosa flowers to women.
Georges Prtre is such an old hand at Carmen, having conducted his first performance of it some 60 years ago and made the famous recording with Maria Callas 41 years ago, that we can but be amazed at the energy and freshn...
On Sunday 6 March all private traffic, including motorcycles, will be banned from the "green zone" in Rome from 10.00 until 18.00. (see page 114 of the Tutto Citt city guide distributed with the telephone directories for...
The Lazio regional government and Co.tral, the company that runs the regional bus service, have bought a hydrogen-powered bus. Large enough to carry 94 passengers (37 seated), the bus, which cost 250,000, can travel up t...
Double-parkers beware. As of 21 March police cars in Rome will be out photographing cars that are double-parked, across 17 kms of the citys streets. This is the mayors latest experimental measure to make traffic flow mor...
Vehicles with number plates ending in an odd number are banned from Romes roads on Thursday 3 March from 09.00-12.00 and 15.00-19.00. Sunday 6 March is a traffic-free day in the city. No vehicles can circulate from 10.00...
The European Alpine Ski Cup finals organised by the Italian ski federation will take place from 7 14 March in Roccaraso and Rivisondoli, 150 km from Naples and 220 km from Rome in the Abruzzo region. It will be the firs...
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Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
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Mario Luzi, one of the most important Italian poets of the 20th century, died in Florence on 28 February. He was 90 and had been nominated a life senator only a few months ago. Many Italians considered that he should ha...
The festival of Sanremo, Italys most popular song contest, starts 1 March. It is week-long jamboree for television viewers, but audiences no longer reach the viewing records of the festivals heydays in the 1960s and 70s....
Monday 21 February. Hostesses and stewards working for the Italian state airline Alitalia held a 24-hour strike over work and safety conditions, causing the cancellation of 176 flights. Hundreds of starlings that sleep...
One Roman taxi driver in five is willing to change to an electrical-powered car, and city mayor Walter Veltroni has announced that the first 100 should be in service in the city this year. A further 300 will be on the ro...
The wooden spoon is once again within Italys grasp after an 18-10 spanking on Saturday against Scotland in the Six Nations rugby championship. Odds makers wager that it will take a near miracle for the inexperienced Azzu...
It may soon be possible for civil wedding services to take place almost anywhere in Rome. At present couples not wishing to marry in a church ceremony have only a choice of three places to make their marriage vows at th...
Ryanair, the Irish low-cost airline, has introduced two new routes between Rome and the United Kingdom: one flight a day to and from Liverpool (northwest England) and one a day to and from Durham (northeast England). The...
The popularity of mobile phones with camera facilities has prompted warnings over the possibility of privacy invasion. The Italian privacy authority, Il Garante per la Protezione dei dati personali (
Pope John Paul II was "breathing for himself" on Friday 25 February after tracheotomy surgery at Policlinico Gemelli hospital in Rome, Vatican officials confirmed. The pontiff was re-admitted to the hospital on Thursday...
The Italian fiscal police, the Guardia di Finanza, have sent a questionnaire to 30.000 students who study at Rome's universities but come from outside Rome and rent accommodation in the city. The students are asked where...
Lovers of popular music are in for a busy few months, with a series of top-level performers coming up. In the spring Queen will be in Rome on 4 April at Palalottomatico as part of the European tour. The reunited group wi...
Young people from 14 - 17 can now study for their motorcycle driving licence on line The ministry of education and the road safety section of the national association of insurers, ANIA, are providing a free website to ma...
The seventh Thursday of restricted traffic in Rome is on 24 February. Vehicles with licence plates ending with an even number will not be allowed to circulate in the "fascia verde" - the green zone - between the 09.00 -1...
This year, the city of Rome marathon will take place on 13 March. The 42-km race will start and finish in Via dei Fori Imperiali, with the route encompassing the citys main monuments and historic sites. Registration cos...
The patron saint of Ireland will be celebrated at the 14th annual Celtic ball organised by the Irish Club in Rome on 19 March at the Sheraton hotel in EUR. Tickets are e80, or e75 for club members. The proceeds will be s...
The annual Lenten Rice Bowl collection coordinated by Churches Together in Rome, the umbrella organisation for English-speaking churches in the city, is for the parish of the Blessed Guillermo Chaminade in Bogot, Colombi...
For almost 150 years, the Istituto Geografico Militare (IGM) has occupied premises in what was once a part of the monastery of the SS. Annunziata in Florence, without anyone suspecting that these rooms contained a fascin...
As far as most of the public knows, the sprawling ministry for fine arts and the national heritage (ministero per i beni culturali e le attivit culturali) occupies itself with monuments, archaeological excavations, museu...
Italy is a nuclear-free zone. Its armed forces never had a nuclear bomb to ban and energy companies have not been allowed to generate power with atomic technology since a 1987 referendum banned its use. All of which so...
Italy goes to the polls on 3 and 4 April when almost 42 million Italians, or 80 per cent of the electorate, will choose assemblies for 14 out of the 20 regions. This will be the last big test before next years general el...
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