Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 700x180

Street art tours in English in Torpignattara

19-20 Nov. Fans of street art can enjoy guided tours of murals in the Torpignattara district of Rome, as well as watching noted street artist Carlos Atoche at work, over the weekend of 19 and 20 November.

The Muri Sicuri event is backed by the capital and is designed to raise funds for victims of the recent Norcia earthquake.

Guided tours in English are scheduled for 11.00 and 16.00 on Saturday 19 November at il Cannone (ia Francesco Baracca 58), and at the same time on Sunday 20 November at Via Laparelli 6.

For reservations and details email murisicuri@gmail.com with date/time and number of participants, as well as registering through the Muri Scuri Facebook page, or via the Muri Scuri website.

Smiling H2 - 724x450
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Marymount - International School Rome