Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn P H1 - 700 x 180

Rome seeks sponsors for riverside beach

Rome has two weeks to source private sponsorship for Tiberis.

Rome is seeking private sponsorship for Tiberis, the city's artificial beach on the banks of the river Tiber, with proposals to be submitted by 27 July.

The sponsorship packages, lasting a maximum of 90 days and not exceeding €40,000 in value, range from the provision of umbrellas and showering facilities to the promotion of cultural and educational activities.

In exchange, the city will promote the sponsoring companies on all promotional material relating to Tiberis.

The 10,000-sqm site is located on reclaimed marshland between the S. Paolo and Marconi districts south of the city centre. Last year it opened, for free, on 4 August.

Tiberis opened in August last year

Tiberis is not the first man-made beach on the Tiber: in 2005 former mayor Walter Veltroni launched the Tevere Village beach under Castel S. Angelo, between Ponte S. Angelo and Ponte Umberto I.

Photo Ecoitaliasolidale

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