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Rome museums free on Sunday 6 January

Free opening of Rome's state and city museums for La Befana.

Italy's state-run museums and archaeological sites are open free of charge on Sunday 6 January 2019 as part of the Italian culture ministry's Domenica al Museo programme.

Rome's municipal-run museums are also free on 6 January - for residents of the capital - for information see Musei in Comune website.

The January edition of the popular initiative coincides with the annual celebration of La Befana in Rome.

Last summer Rome introduced the €5 MIC card granting the capital's residents unlimited access to municipal museums for one year. 

Full details of Domenica al Museo can be found on the Beni Culturali website while for comprehensive list of Rome's museums consult Wanted in Rome website.

Cover photo: The Boxer at Rest, a bronze Hellenistic Greek sculpture dating from between 330 to 50 BC, on display at Palazzo Massimo alle Terme.

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