Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

Rome mural of Salvini and Di Maio kissing

Another mural in central Rome depicts Meloni holding a refugee child.

Two controversial murals have appeared overnight in central Rome: one depicts a kiss between political rivals Matteo Salvini, leader of the Lega party, and Luigi Di Maio, leader of the Movimento 5 Stelle. Against the backdrop of a red love heart, both leaders are further identified by their party logos, with Salvini wearing an anti-European badge for good measure. The image, on Via del Collegio Capranica, is signed by Tvboy, the internationally-renowned Milanese street artist who lives in Barcelona.

Tvboy's mural of Di Maio and Salvini

Tvboy is also behind a second unauthorised mural, on nearby Via dei Pianellari, which features a smiling Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the far-right Fratelli d'Italia party, holding a refugee child in her arms and carrying a "Save the Children" bag with a "Refugees Welcome" sticker.

Tvboy's mural of Giorgia Meloni

A third mural which appeared overnight - also the work of Tvboy but far from controversial - is dedicated to AS Roma football legend Francesco Totti. Located on Vicolo Savelli near Piazza Navona, the image features a saintly Totti, dressed in a Franciscan habit, complete with halo, three doves in his hands and a football at his feet.

Tvboy's mural of Francesco Totti

Tvboy made international headlines last May with his mural of an angelic Pope Francis kissing a devilish President Trump. The image, which appeared on Via del Banco di S. Spirito ahead of Trump's Vatican visit, was swiftly removed by authorities.

Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
AUR 1920x190
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JCU 1400x360