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Marymount - International School Rome

Italy lifts covid curfew as all but one region now in lowest-risk white zone

All of Italy bar Valle d'Aosta is covid-19 'white zone' from today.

Italy becomes almost entirely a 'white zone' - the country's lowest-risk covid-19 category - with the nightly curfew no longer applying from Monday 21 June.

The only region which remains in the moderate risk 'yellow zone' is the northern Valle d'Aosta, on the Italian border with France and Switzerland, where more stringent coronavirus restrictions still apply.

Italy's health minister Roberto Speranza signed an order on Friday that will see the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Marche, Tuscany, Sicily and the autonomous province of Bolzano turn 'white' from 21 June.

This leaves only Valle d'Aosta in the yellow category, with the small Alpine region expected to become a white zone on 28 June.

To be classified as a white zone, a region must have registered fewer than 50 covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for three consecutive weeks.

The only restrictions that apply in white zones relate to social distancing and the wearing of masks indoors and in crowded outdoor places.

There are no longer any Italian regions or autonomous provinces in the highest-risk 'red' or medium-risk 'orange' zones, where more restrictive rules apply.

The latest news from Italy comes as the country's coronavirus infection rate continues to fall, according to data issued by the health ministry on Friday.

The weekly national average covid-19 incidence rate has dropped to 16 coronavirus cases for every 100,000 inhabitants, down from 25 the week before.

Also coming into force on 21 Monday is a compulsory five-day quarantine and mandatory covid-testing for all travellers arriving in Italy from the UK where cases of the highly contagious Delta covid-19 variant are rising.

According to Italy's latest covid-19 data, there were 17 coronavirus-related deaths registered on 20 June, the lowest figure since 5 October last year.

For official information relating to the covid-19 situation in Italy - in English - see the health ministry website.

Image: Restaurant in Trastevere, Rome. Photo credit: Dan Novac / Shutterstock.com.

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