Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180

Cup of coffee to cost more in Rome

10-20 cent to be added to Rome coffee prices by end of summer.

The price of an espresso in Rome's bars – as well as other coffee-based offerings from cappuccino to caffe latte – is to rise 10-20 cent by the end of summer, according to an announcement on 14 March by the capital's catering authority.

The Associazione Esercenti Pubblici Esercizi della Capitale (AEPER) cited ever-increasing rent, energy bills, rates and other expenses for their "historic decision" to hike the city's coffee prices.

Currently the average price for an espresso in the centre is either 90 cent or €1 although some bars in areas such as Testaccio still charge the "old" price of 80 cent.

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