6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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Road and metro works increase pace in Rome

August holiday month full of construction sites.

Rome city hall is taking advantage of the absence of many residents on vacation to tackle some urgent works which might cause delays above, under and on the ground.

Apart from the major project to demolish part of the Tangenziale Est ring-road, which will last far longer than a month, Romans need to be aware of other sites which will make travelling in the city more difficult, despite the usual reduced level of road traffic during the holiday month.

The underpass on Corso Italia (pictured) at Porta Pia will be closed for maintenance from 5 to 9 August, from 02.00 to 06.00. Farther west along the Muro Torto, marking the southern border of Villa Borghese, the same work will involve the carriageway from Piazzale Flaminia to Piazza Fiume, at the same hours.

Under the city surface, Metro line A will again suffer closures from 4 to 24 August in three separate stages. The first stop, from 4 to 13 August, will affect the line between Termini station and Anagnina. Then, from 14 to 19 August it will be the turn of the stretch from Ottaviano to San Giovanni. Finally, from 20 to 24 August, the line will be closed between Termini and Battistini stations.

Throughout the work on the metro line, shuttle buses will replace the underground trains.

Outside the city, the rail services between Rome and Albano Laziale, between Albano Laziale and Ciampino, and between Rome and Cassino will be substituted by shuttle buses while the tracks are being repaired or replaced.

And from 5 to 9 August, the SS148 Pontina, a vital link between the capital and southern Lazio, will suffer sections of alternating traffic along the narrowest northbound stretches between km 67 and km 37 as the newly laid surface is completed with white lane lines, pedestrian crossings and other traffic signals.


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