Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Castelli H1 700 x 180
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Oratorio del Gonfalone. End of season concert by the Orchestra Nova Amadeus conducted by Carlo Palleschi, with Sara Galli soprano and Sergio Panajia tenor. Verdis Symphony from Nabucco (21.00).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Wolfgang Sawallisch, with Eva Mei soprano, Daniela Barcellona mezzosoprano, Matthew Polenzani tenor, Roberto Scandiuzzi bass. Rossinis Petite Messe Solennelle (21.0...
Castelli H2 - 724 x 450
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Wolfgang Sawallisch, with Eva Mei soprano, Daniela Barcellona mezzosoprano, Matthew Polenzani tenor, Roberto Scandiuzzi bass. Rossinis Petite Messe Solennelle (21.0...
13-22 May 2004. Conducted by Daniel Oren, directed by Alberto Fassini, based on the version by Luchino Visconti, with Francesco Casanova, Ferruccio Furlanetto, Giovanni Meoni, Dimitra Theodossiou, Luciana DIntino. Don...
Richard Move workshop. 12 May 2004. In Martha@piccololab, choreography by Richard Move.
Morte accidentale di un anarchico by Dario Fo. 11-30 May 2004. Directed by Ferdinando Bruni and Elio De Capitani.
11 May-1 June 2004. Conducted by Rodolfo Bonucci, directed by Franco Ripa di Meana, with Frederique Friess, Bernhard Berchtold, Leandro Fischetti, Dominik Hosenfelder.
Teatro Ghione. For Euromusicas master concert series, piano recital by Lya De Barberiis. Music by Schubert (21.00).
11-23 May 2004. Directed by Rossella Falk, with Fabio Poggiali and Simona Mastroianni.
9 May-9 July 2004. Toti Scialoja was an abstract painter after world war two, a poet, writer and teacher of the brightest young artists on the horizon. He was in love with American action painting but misunderstood it. H...
RIS H3 1920x190
RIS H3 1920x190
RIS H3 1920x190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Amici di S. Cecilia. 9 May 2004: Bruno Cagli lectures on La Petite Messe Solennelle by Rossini (11.00).
Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio. Concert with Federico Mondelci conductor and saxophone. Music by Villa-Lobos, Milhaud, Piazzolla (18.00).
Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Gloria Lanni piano. Music by Liszt and Beethoven (11.30).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Wolfgang Sawallisch. Music by Schubert and Brahms (18.30). Repeated 10 May 2004 (21.00), 11 May (19.30).
Balletto dellArena di Verona. 6-11 May 2004. In Jardin aux lilas, choreography by Anthony Tudor.
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Chamber music concert by the ensemble Le Musiche Nove, with Cecilia Bartoli mezzosoprano. Arias by Frescobaldi, Caccini, Monteverdi and others (21.00).
In Sette danze greche, Don Giovanni, Il mandarino meraviglioso, choreography by Maurice Bjart.
7-28 May 2004. Figurative works by six artists from the 1960s and 1970s.
7-30 May 2004. The exhibition, subtitled Photography and journalism: the award-winning images of 2004, is a chilling reportage of events that took place during the year.
7 April-6 June 2004. For FotoGrafia, about 85 photographs by masters of the late 1800s, such as Robert Macpherson, Giorgio Sommer, James Robertson and Celestino Degoix, focussing on the atmosphere and landscapes of the M...
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360