Still more anti-smog measures for Rome
Rome has prohibited the circulation of cars, motorcycles and mopeds with even-numbered licence plates within the Fascia Verde (the area inside the GRA ring road) on Friday 2 December from 09.00-13.00 and 16.00-21.00.
The move follows a similar ban on odd-number plated vehicles in the city on Thursday 1 December.
The ban also extends to the following most polluting vehicles, Euro 0 and 1 petrol-driven cars, Euro 0, 1 and 2 diesel vehicles, two-, three- and four-wheel 2 and 4-stroke mopeds and motorbikes and Euro 0 and 1 diesel mini-cars, from 07.30-20.30. Euro 5 cars and Euro 3 motorcycles are exempt.
The measures are being taken in light of the capital
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