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Studying for a semester in Rome, I have encountered a culture shock--noticing great differences. As a student who resides in Miami, I yearned for a kind of history that south Florida lacked. While Florida is about 170 y...
When I made plans to move to Roma for four months, I was not anticipating the level of culture shock I experienced. From January until now, I have learned to quickly adapt to the atmosphere around me. Italian culture is...
Marymount - International School Rome
The eternal city is often regarded as one of the most beautiful and timeless metropolitan areas in the world. With a complex history that spans over thousands of years, both tourists and locals are constantly being remin...
Some may see it as shameful and degenerative, but i think it is a generational stamp on structures that have lived before us and hopefully long after. A complex mix of urban and ancient, Rome is my ultimate city. I co...
Picture this: you just took your seat on your 11 hour flight from the United States to spend a semester in Rome, Italy away from your family and friends. What are you supposed to expect from somewhere so far with a diffe...
Rome's city council has launched another initiative in time for Christmas as part of its popular Romaspendebene campaign designed to contain prices. From now until Christmas 35 neighbourhood markets are selling seasonal...
Immigrants in Rome will have a hard time voting on Sun 28 March, the day set for the election of their representatives to city's central and area councils. Voting certificates are being sent out late and even if they arr...
The Italian Ministry of Fine Arts and Culture holds its annual culture week from 24 - 30 May. During the week entry to all state museums and archeological sites is free. Guided tours, exhibitions and concerts organized b...
The third of a series of seven concerts of sacred music will take place at 21.00 on Sunday 23 May in the Chiesa del Ges. The Rome Opera House orchestra and choir will perform Shubert's Mass n. 6. with soloists Carla Mari...
La Landriana Gardens, just south of Rome at Tor S. Lorenzo, will hold its popular garden exhibition and market from Friday 22 April until Monday 25 April. This year more than 100 exhibitors and experts will be on hand to...
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Court records in Rome show that fewer Roman couples turned to international adoption in 2005, following a sharp increase in costs, bureaucratic obstacles and legislation in foreign countries. With just 158 cases of inter...
An opinion poll, conducted on the 12-13 January by the market research group IPSOS, shows that 73 per cent of Rome's voters expect to return the incumbent, Walter Veltroni, to office at the city elections this spring. H...
Rome is expecting as many as 100,000 people to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II on Sunday 2 April. The celebrations will begin in S. Peters Square at 21.00 on 2 April with a collective...
Archaeological excavations began on 7 July on two central sections of Romes proposed metro C line, which will run between Piazzale Clodio and Pantano (Casilino). The work on the Piazzale Clodio-Piazza Venezia and the Pia...
Francesco Pellin, a fish-importer from Busto Arsizio, near Varese in north Italy, is negotiating with Rome to set up a museum to display his collection of works by Renato Guttuso, the Sicilian painter (1912
The Rome marathon will take place this year on 18 March, with athletes setting off at 09.00 from Via dei Fori Imperiali on the 42k run on a course yet to be announced. A record 12,500 participants were already registered...
Rome mayor Walter Veltroni was triumphant in the primaries on Sunday 14 October for the leader of the nascent Democratic Party (PD), which will unite the two largest centre-left parties, the Margherita and Democratici di...
The man police suspect was responsible for pouring red dye into the Trevi fountain on Friday Oct 19 has spoken out about the incident. Graziano Cecchini, who has far right sympathies, insists he is innocent but says he a...
Italy is likely to grind to a halt on 30 November because of a transport workers
Christian charities Caritas and the Community of S. Egidio have signed a deal to give free funerals to 50 of the city
The Italian government, which has promised greater severity towards illegal foreigners, has decided to take a census of Roma people from eastern Europe living in illegal camps in Italy, a plan which, in its original form...
The bike sharing scheme launched in mid June with 19 automated stations in the historic centre will expand to other areas of Rome beginning with Prati. The news of the expansion was announced on 22 September by the city...
Drivers in Rome centre can expect more disruptions over the coming weeks due to new roadworks on Via Nazionale. The road is being resurfaced for the second time in less than a year after contractors did a poor job firs...
Fishermen in Italy are protesting about new European regulations banning shellfish fishing within 600 m of the coast. The provision, contained in the so-called Mediterranean Regulation, risks cutting catches of razor cla...
37 of Rome's bus routes will be diverted on the morning of 17 March, due to state celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. At 09.00 the president of the republic, Giorgio Napolitano, pays his...
On 29 February the American Academy in Rome is holding a special viewing of the improbable tower created by the Russian sculptor Dmitry Kaminker during his fellowship last year. Made out of cardboard boxes this whims...
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