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Italy election campaign comes to an end with Rome rallies

Final rallies in Rome ahead of general election this weekend.

Italy's main political parties are preparing to hold rallies in Rome as their electoral campaigns draw to a close before the nation goes to the polls in a general election on Sunday.

The 'centro-destra' alliance comprising the far-right Fratelli d'Italia, the right-wing Lega and the centre-right Forza Italia will stage a rally in Piazza del Popolo on Thursday at 17.30, with their respective leaders Giorgia Meloni, Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi.

The rightist alliance is leading in the latest opinion polls and is on track to win the election on 25 September, with Meloni widely tipped to become Italy's next prime minister.

On Friday at 18.00, Piazza del Popolo will host a rally by the centre-left Partito Democratico (PD) whose leader Enrico Letta will speak on stage alongside PD allies Roberto Speranza and Elly Schlein.

The PD is in second place according to the opinion polls so all eyes will be on which side - left or right - manages to fill Piazza del Popolo with the most supporters.

The centrist "terzo polo", comprising Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, will hold a rally on the Gianicolo hill at 18.00, the same time that the populist MoVimento 5 Stelle, led by Giuseppe Conte, will gather in Piazza SS. Apostoli.

Photo credit: Gloria Imbrogno /
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