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Anti-ISIS meeting in Rome

23 countries discuss strategies to combat ISIS.

Rome is hosting a key international meeting designed to build on recent military gains against Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Iraq and Syria.

Chaired by US secretary of state John Kerry and Italian foreign minister Paolo Gentiloni, the meeting of the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL takes place on 2 February at Italy’s foreign affairs ministry at Palazzo della Farnesina.

Speaking at the meeting, which includes 23 nations already involved in the fight against the self-proclaimed Islamic State, Kerry vowed to "destroy ISIS", stating that the Rome talks would "increase efforts" by the anti-ISIS coalition in its battle against the insurgents.

The meeting will see the coalition of 23 countries review their efforts to regain Syrian and Iraqi territory from the hands of ISIS, with a particular focus on the potential spread of ISIS to Libya.

Rome increased its security a year ago in response to threats that ISIS would "conquer" the Italian capital.

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Marymount - International School Rome