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Mahsa Amini: Women cut hair and burn hijabs outside Iran embassy in Italy

Rome protest after death of Mahsa Amini.

A demonstration against the Iranian regime was held in front of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Rome on Friday, amid ongoing protests across Iran over the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini.

Authorities in Iran continue to crack down on demonstrators protesting after Amini died in custody after being arrested by "morality police" for wearing an “improper hijab".

Chanting "Woman, life, freedom!" and "death to the regime", around 100 protesters in Rome carried pictures of Mahsa and sang an Iranian version of the Italian anti-fascist Resistance anthem Bella Ciao.

Protesters, mainly students and long-term Iranian residents of Italy, were joined by the president of the Italian Federation of Journalists (FNSI), Beppe Giulietti, who underlined the important role of the media and called on news outlets to "give space to those who have no voice today".

Protest outside Iran embassy in Rome. Photo Agenzia Nova.

At the end of the demonstration, which was peaceful, some of the protesters cut their hair, while some women set their hijabs on fire, reports Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

Photos Agenzia Nova
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