Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Taco 700 x 180

All Saints' and All Souls' in Rome

Pope Francis to say Mass for All Souls at Prima Porta.

All Saints’ Day, or Ognissanti, on Tuesday 1 November is a public holiday in Italy, resulting in the closure of offices and schools, and public transport runs according to its Sunday schedule.

The celebration of All Saints’ is followed by All Souls' Day on 2 November, a Catholic tradition of mourning the dearly departed. In Italy this is a particularly important day, when people gather to visit family graves.

The city’s three main cemeteries, Verano, Flaminio and Prima Porta, are open each day from 07.30-18.00. Verano will have several welcoming areas offering information about cultural itineraries within the monumental cemetery.

This year, for the first time, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass for the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed at the Prima Porta cemetery on 2 November at 16.00. The Mass is open to everyone and no tickets are required.

The non-Catholic cemetery in the Ostiense-Testaccio district is open all day on 1 November, from 09.00-17.00, with last entrance at 16.30.

There are also increased bus services in the vicinity of the city’s cemeteries until 2 November.

For details about visiting Rome’s cemeteries see Comune di Roma website.

Acorn P H2 - 724 x 450
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
Marymount - International School Rome