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A tourist repents after 4 years and returns stolen marble from the Roman Forum. It was delivered in the morning.  A voluminous package, rather heavy, packed with care.  The recipient was the National Roman Museum, and d...
A flood of drugs ready to crash into the piazzas of Italy’s capital was intercepted at Fiumicino airport by the Guardia di Finanza, Rome’s law enforcement agency responsible for dealing with financial crime and smuggling...
Aur 724x450
Geco’s identity unveiled: the most wanted graffiti writer in Europe denounced by police in Rome Creator of hundreds of graffiti tags and stickers, named "Geco" throughout different areas of Rome was identified by the...
Bill approved in Italy's lower house of parliament and now needs final approval from upper house before becoming law. Italy's lower house of parliament has passed an anti-discrimination bill that makes violence against...
Haters congratulated those behind a murder and an acid attack. Police in Italy have tracked down two so-called 'haters' who posted vile, hate-filled messages on social media, in two high-profile but separate cases. T...
"Worst night of my life" American student tells court in Rome. An American student on trial in Italy for the murder of a Rome policeman made an apology in court on 16 September, reports Italian news agency ANSA. "I w...
Bianchi brothers and Pincarelli request protected area of Rome prison. Three suspects in the brutal killing of Willy Monteiro Duarte, a 21-year-old beaten to death by a gang in Colleferro, have requested solitary confin...
Underage British tourists allegedly gang-raped by up to eight men in town near Matera. Four men between the ages of 19 and 23 have been arrested in connection with the alleged gang rape of two 15-year-old British girls...
Conte to attend funeral as charges facing suspects are stepped up to murder in a case that has shocked Italy. Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte is attending the funeral today of Willy Monterio Duarte, the 21-year-ol...
"They were jumping on him when he was lying helpless on the ground" says key witness in killing of Willy Monteiro Duarte. An autopsy carried out on the body of Willy Monteiro Duarte, who was beaten to death by a gang in...
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Marymount - International School Rome
"We didn't touch him," say the brothers accused in the death of Willy Monteiro Duarte. Two brothers who are among four people accused of beating to death a 21-year-old Cape Verdian-Italian in Colleferro south of Rome on...
Death of Willy Monteiro Duarte has caused outrage in Italy.  Four men in their 20s have been arrested on charges of manslaughter in the beating to death of a 21-year-old Cape Verdian-Italian man in Colleferro, a town so...
Owner of Garbatella ice-cream shop foiled attempted robbery. A man dressed in a Spider-Man mask attempted to rob a gelateria in the Garbatella district of Rome, reports Italian newspaper La Repubblica. The owner of t...
Hidden cameras caught Rome cemetery workers involved in macabre scam. A police investigation is underway after Rome cemetery workers were filmed dismembering bodies buried at Prima Porta graveyard as part of a scam that...
AMA workers shot with air gun while working in Rome suburb. Two workers from Rome's trash collection service AMA were hit with pellets fired from an air rifle in the S. Basilio suburb of the capital, reports Italian new...
"They beat me pretty bad" said Finnegan Lee Elder. An American student on trial in Italy for the murder of a Rome policeman claims he was kicked, punched and spat on in custody, according to a leaked official transcript...
Italian authorities fear the spread of mafia tactics and organised crime As Italy attempts to live with the virus during phase two of lockdown, many businesses are still struggling to make sense of the future. While gove...
Suspect in murder was cleared of killing American student in Rome in 2016. Rome police have launched an investigation after a man was attacked and killed on the banks of the river Tiber near Ponte Sisto, in the city cen...
Rome police caught man spraying graffiti on walls during Coronavirus lockdown. A 20-year-old Roman man was charged with violating Italy's quarantine measures after being stopped by police while spraying graffiti at Parc...
Fourth fire in Centocelle area of Rome. A police investigation is underway after a bar in Rome's Centocelle suburb was burnt down in the early hours of 9 November, days after another fire destroyed La Pecora Elettrica,...
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