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The head office of a female Catholic Religious Order based in Monteverde, Rome seeks an accounting assistant to join our staff on a full-time basis. As a religious congregation com...
"The Grab" Documentary Screening featuring Nate Halverson
Join us for a special screening of what Variety called an "astonishing eye-opening" documentary with a special Q+A with investigative reporter Nate Halverson.
More information and...
Wall Street English Study Advisors
Wall Street English Italy is recruiting Study Advisors in Rome. We are Wall Street English, the premier provider of English language instruction for individuals and corporate clien...
Passioni Ribelli: the concert of Americas Trio in Rome
On Saturday 16th the concert of the Americas Trio organized by The Arts Crossroad in Rome. The concert will be at the Scottish church of St. Andrew, at 9:00 pm. Americas Trio will...