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Entry to part of the Capitoline Museums will be free on each Sunday until the end of May (except for Easter Sunday). Entry includes a visit to the Palazzo Senatorio to see the rooms where the city council meets and into...
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Italian government have signed an agreement to return looted artifacts to Italy. These include the famous Euphronis vase taken from the Etruscan burial site of Cerveteri...
Smiling H2 - 724x450
The damage to the Caravaggio painting The Madonna of the pilgrims, which was discovered when the painting was returned from an exhibition in Milan to the church of S. Agostino in the historic centre of Rome, is not as...
A youth orchestra of 4-17 year olds is being formed by the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia in Rome, with subsidies from the city and the charitable organisation Isma. More than 100 children auditioned for the orchest...
From 13-21 October Parco della Musica will be transformed into a Parco del Film. The Auditorium, along with Piazza del Popolo, Via Veneto and other high profile locations, will host the first Festa del Cinema in Rome. Le...
Italian men are the oldest fathers in Europe, according to research by the Universit Cattolica and national institute of statistics Istat. Men are having their first child at an average age of 33, while in other countrie...
100 years since the birth of journalist, painter and screenwriter, Dino Buzzati (1906-1972), Testaccio community library will host an exhibition in his honour. The show runs until 5 February at the Biblioteca Enzo Tortor...
The Teatro dellOpera is offering a free baby sitting service while parents attend Sunday matinee performances. During 12 performances throughout the season, the Anchio vado a teatro programme will entertain 6-11 year-old...
A key discovery for archaeologists, historians, the Jewish community and the whole of Rome: a marble tombstone measuring 60 cm by 30 cm, complete with legible Hebrew inscriptions, has been found at the bottom of the Tibe...
The following city museums will be shut on 25 December and 1 January. They will be open as usual on 26 Decemeber, but on 24 and 31 December the hours will be 09.00-14.00. The city museums are Musei Capitolini, Centrale M...
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Ambrit 1920 x 190
Marymount - International School Rome
The thousands of tourists and art lovers who have visited the Church of S. Agostino in Rome in recent years will have been aware of the ongoing renovation work due to the preponderance of scaffolding and cordoned-off cha...
The Vatican Museums will be shut on 25 and 26 December, as well as on 1 and 6 January. However from 27 December to 7 January (excluding 1 and 6 January) the museums will be open Monday to Saturday from 08.45-16.45, with...
The Domus Aurea, once the home of the emperor Nero, has been closed to the public because of structural damage caused by the recent heavy rain in Rome. Some of the frescoes are also in danger lifting off the walls becaus...
The Teatro alla Scala opera house in Milan will open for the 2005-2006 season, at 18.00 on 7 December, (the feast of the citys patron saint, S. Ambrogio) with a production of Idomeneo King of Crete by Wolfgang Amadeus Mo...
When the lights go down at the beginning of the next concert you attend, look carefully at what the conductor is wearing; you might find that fashions are changing. The black tailcoat, or frac as the Italians call it, is...
Musicians in Italy are drawing attention to the general strike on 25 November with simultaneous productions of requiem masses in opera houses and theatres all over Italy from Trieste to Cagliari. In Rome the S. Cecilia o...
A new Jewish museum has opened in Rome. The old museum, which was on the first floor of the Roman synagogue on the Lungotevere Cenci, has been moved into five rooms, 600 square metres in all, on the garden level of the...
A unique treasure has been found in archaeological excavations just beside the Via dei Fori Imperiali near the Basilica dei SS Cosma e Damiano. The ivory bust, 25 cm high, is thought to be that of a Roman emperor carved...
Rehearsals are under way for the Christmas pantomime at All Saints Anglican Church in Rome. This years production is "Jack and the Beanstalk", with performances on 10 and 11 Dec at 14.30 and 18.00. Tickets are 10 for ad...
The Teatro Olimpico in the Flaminia area of Rome has reopened after a six-month restoration project by a team of four architects, Francesca Argentero, Barbara Deledda, Carlotta Montefoschi and Martina Murzi. The work has...
Castelli H5 - 1400 x 360