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Anniversary occurs amid controversy over Priebke funeral A series of commemorative events take place in Rome on 16 October, 70 years after more than 1,000 of the city's Jews were deported to the Nazi extermination cam...
Priebke's final testament reveals no remorse for his Nazi past The controversy continues over the funeral arrangements for Erich Priebke, the former SS officer who died in Rome aged 100 on 11 October. The Vicariate...
Aur 724x450
Nazi war criminal was 100 years old The former SS officer Erich Priebke, one of the world’s last surviving Nazi criminals, has died in Rome on 11 October, just over two months after reaching his 100th birthday....
Skilled artists embellished the façades of buildings in 15th- and 16th-century Rome but few survive today. There exists – or rather, there used to exist – an “open-air art gallery” in Rome, most of which has nowadays be...
 The approaching 100th birthday of former SS officer Erich Priebke – a Rome resident and one of the world’s last surviving Nazi criminals – has prompted a statement from the partisan group Associaz...
Five monumental buildings have been unearthed at Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli, located 30km north-east of Rome. Archaeologists came across the complex of buildings, surrounded by large statues, in an area previously regarde...
The first photographs have been released of Benito Mussolini's secret wartime bunker under his Rome headquarters in Palazzo Venezia, three years after it was rediscovered. The 80-sqm reinforced concrete bunker lies be...
The traditional commemoration ceremony takes place at Rome's Fosse Ardeatine mausoleum on Sunday 24 March in memory of the 335 people killed by the then occupying nazi forces 69 years ago, on 24 March 1944. The ceremo...
A bomb disposal unit from the Italian army carried out a scheduled detonation of a massive bomb found at Ciampino airport, on Sunday 10 February. The bomb, which was left over from world war two and contained about 25...
A mystery love letter has been discovered in the Colosseum where it was hidden 60 years ago. The letter, which dates back to the early 1950s, was written by Domenico and addressed to Franca. Domenico wrote: «Tu...
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
Castelli H3 - 1920 x 190
FiR 320 x 480 H3
Rome's Ciampino airport will be closed for two hours from 10.00 to 12.00 on Sunday 10 February to allow the army's bomb disposal unit to deactivate a bomb left over from world war two. The massive bomb, which contains...
James Walston reminds readers of his blog that the history of Italy's 1938 Racial Laws and the fascist regime is still distorted today for political ends and that to do so, as Silvio Berlusconi did on the Day of Memory,...
On the occasion of the 13th International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Sunday 27 January, numerous memorial events are being held in Rome, many of them aimed at school children. Established in 2000 by the European par...
Construction of Rome's new national Holocaust Museum is due to get under way in early 2013, according to the city's mayor Gianni Alemanno. The Shoah Museum, which will commemorate Italy’s Jewish victims of the Holo...
Archaeologists have presented the completed excavation of a 900-seat auditorium under Rome's Piazza Venezia, which they are hailing as the city's most significant discovery since the Roman Forum was unearthed 80 years ag...
The volunteers of the Bunker Soratte association have organised a new round of guided tours under the title “Apokalypse 2012”, exploring  fascinating bunkers deep in the heart of the mountain which re...
The annual Commonwealth Remembrance Day service takes place on Sunday 11 November at the Rome Commonwealth War Cemetery, Via Nicola Zabaglia, starting at 10.30. Readings take place at 10.45 and at 11.00 there is two minu...
Spanish archaeologists believe they have found the exact location where Julius Caesar was stabbed, on the Teatro Argentina side of Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome’s historic centre. After six year’s of re...
9 - 18 September. The third edition of the Ludi Romani Festival takes place at Rome's Appia Antica park and in other locations around the capital from 9-18 September. From 15-16 September the entire area around the Ci...
The Festa de' Noantri, an important annual festival, takes place in the Rome district of Trastevere on Saturday 21 July. Central to the festival, which dates back to the start of the 16th century and whose name "Noantri"...
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